Hoboken police go undercover to catch dog poop violators

Hoboken police say they are cracking down on city residents who don’t clean up after their dogs.

News 12 Staff

Mar 27, 2019, 1:14 AM

Updated 1,893 days ago


Hoboken police go undercover to catch dog poop violators
Hoboken police say they are cracking down on city residents who don’t clean up after their dogs.
The Mile-Square City has long had an ordinance requiring residents to clean up after their dogs defecate, but it seems some Hoboken residents are ruining it for everyone else by leaving a mess behind.
The city recently raised the fines for those who violate the law, but now the Hoboken Police Department has announced an undercover operation to catch those who leave poop behind.
Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla says that police officers will be planted in areas where regular violators seem to gather. Bhalla says he hopes the violators are caught in the act.
“Be on notice we will have undercover inspectors from the city of Hoboken ready, willing and able to issue violations to anyone who doesn’t take care of a pet or leaves pet waste on the streets or sidewalks,” Bhalla says.
Hoboken residents have taken to social media in recent weeks to complain about an increase in the amount of dog poop in their neighborhoods.
Hoboken police and the Department of Environmental Protection are working together not just for enforcement, but also to educate the public about the dangers of leaving pet waste behind.
“We are very serious about this. This is a serious quality of life issue,” the mayor says.
Those who violate the ordinance can face fines of $100 to $2,000. Dog owners are also required to license their dogs and keep them on leashes.

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